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Migrating from Version 1

There are a few breaking changes between version 1 and version 2.

AuthenticationError Moved

proxmoxer.backends.https.AuthenticationError was moved to proxmoxer.AuthenticationError (the class itself is the same). Any imports or references to proxmoxer.backends.https.AuthenticationError should be changed to proxmoxer.AuthenticationError.

ProxmoxResourceBase Removed

While this should be a fully internal change, the ProxmoxResourceBase class was removed. Use ProxmoxResource instead.

Removed ProxmoxHTTPTicketAuth

The auth_token and csrf_token arguments are no longer supported. If an existing (still valid) token needs to be used, you can pass the token as password and proxmoxer will attempt to renew the ticket and retrieve a new token and CSRF token.

Testing changed to pytest

The unit testing framework was transitioned from nose to pytest. Any integration with the proxmoxer tests should now call pytest.